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A Troop is a Group of Monkeys

A Troop is a Group of Monkeys is an adorable iPad book (they say they’ll release a hardcover version this fall). The book teaches children, with the use of rhyme, the correct terms for different groups of animals.

Here’s why we love it…

It’s simply informative, which makes it a great app for older kids to learn about fancier language for groups of different animals. While I’m not an educator, my sense is the app offers an introduction to the concept of scientific terminology.

It’s lovely for younger kids too, even if they aren’t ready for big words like ostentation, they will be ready for the interactive animal displays. This makes it a great family app. I obviously learned something, my 3-year-old enjoyed the colorful animals and if we had an older sibling, they’d be able to distil a higher level of information than my 3-year-old did.

I also tend to be quixotic and long for a tad of the old-fashioned now and again, so perhaps my favorite thing about this app is its utilization of animated watercolors. Each page looks like a painted mural you had in your elementary school library just came to life. This gives the book a lovely homemade, but not amateur quality.

In the end, the overlying theme of this app is to impart an understanding and respect for the animals who share our planet.


A Troop is a Group of Monkeys is available for iPAD. It is $3.99 on App Store.

published on igamemom.com

image: itunes.com

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